Saturday, February 21, 2009

Commitment Cafe!!!

Welcome to the Commitment Cafe!!!

Tell us about something you are committing to this week, no matter how small. Maybe you plan on drinking those 8 glass of water a day..., or you are finally committing to confronting a situation that has been bothering you for sometime. Maybe you have a project you've been putting off that you plan to tackle this week. It doesn't matter what it is....the important thing is that you made the commitment. Sometimes sharing your intentions or commitments leads to increased accountability.

Once you've honored your commitment and completed the intended taske, post your success tory to let us know that you kept your word. I will then share those success stories with the listeners on the air, with hopes of inspiring and empowering others.

We want to hear about it...and give you the KUDOS you deserve!!

What are you willing to do today, to make a difference in your life tomorrow????

Do share.....

Vent It....then Let it Go!!

Welcome to the Vent Line....

Here is where you can vent a particular frustration (small or large) but do so with the understanding that once you vent it, you have to LET IT GO!

Too often our frustrations, grudges and disappointments get in the way of us making real progress in life. Often times these are things from the past that we cannot control anyway, so why allow these situations interfere with our future.

If you have something on your mind, that's been occupying too much of your time and energy, it's time to Vent IT....and LET IT GO!!!

So rip away.....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Welcome all, to the Empowerment to Action Blog

I am so excited about the show and what I hope to accomplish by creating a venue such as this.
As many of you know, creating a radio show has been a major event in my life, but something I have always dreamed of doing. I finally got up the courage to make my dream happen, and it is amazing since I've started how much opportunity has been placed before me. I hope to be an example to others when it comes to figuring out what you need, to do the things that you need and want to do.

I would like this blog to be used by the listeners to keep me posted on any success stories that you would like to share on commitments you honored, first steps toward change, fears you have started to push through etc. Anything that you want to share, please put here in the blog. You would be surprised how reading about someone else's achievement, empowers those that may be struggling with the same thing. Maybe you committed to drinking more water and you did it, maybe you lost 1 lb, maybe you made that phone call you have putting off, maybe you started the process of breaking a habit, maybe you started thinking about your next step in life - it doesn't matter. Share it and you will be empowering yourself and others in the process!!

I would love to hear about your accomplishments, no matter how small, and mention it on the show. No matter how small it may be, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you said you were going to do something and you did it!!! I love to hear success stories of people who have made progress in making positive enhancements, improvements or changes in their life.

Also, please feel free to post your feelings, thoughts and ideas of the show here. I would love to hear feedback. I am working hard to bring you a show of substance that contains real information that is relavant and easy to implement in your daily living.

Looking forward to hearing your stories!!! God Bless and make every moment of every day count for something. Choice is powerful, choice is inevitable - so make the Choice yours!!

Coach Kim